

熱海温泉  Atami Onsen



【温泉観光スポット 湯前神社入口前の「大湯」】


 Atami Onsen dates back to about 1250 years ago, when hot water springs in the sea were found.  Since the high-temperature water with its high salt content has excellent insulation properties, it works well for neuralgia and excessive sensitivity to cold. The water also attracts women who want to tighten up their skin and tone the body. An ancient document is noted a saying that the first Tokugawa Shogun Ieyasu (1543-1616) sojourned here; he even had the water transported to his Edo Castle in Tokyo for the purpose of bathing. The highlight of a sightseeing trip is the fireworks displays that are held several times throughout the year.




【温泉観光スポット 「走り湯」】


Historical Hot Spring Attraction: "Hashiriyu"


Renowned as a famous hot spring since ancient times, Hashiriyu is notable for its unique horizontal tunnel spring, one of the few in Japan. It was said that the hot spring water flowed like a river through the caves along the coastline.


This location is also known as the place where the famous historical figures, Minamoto no Yoritomo and Hojo Masako, were united during their exile in Izu.




【温泉観光スポット 「万葉公園」】


Izu Yugawara Onsen (Izumi District)

A tranquil hot spring area nestled along the Fujiki River, which flows from the Hakone Outer Mountain Range.


Onsen Tourist Spot: "Manyo Park"





Minami Atami Onsen (Ajiro, Izu-Taga District)


A coastal hot spring area centered around Ajiro, which flourished as a port town during the Edo period.

主な泉質 Main Hot Spring Types

Sodium-Chloride Spring (ナトリウム-塩化物泉):


Sodium-chloride springs are one of the most common types of hot springs in Japan, particularly found along coastal areas. These springs are rich in sodium and chloride, similar to seawater, and are known for their warming and moisturizing effects. They help retain heat in the body, making them ideal for relieving muscle pain, joint pain, and chronic skin conditions. Sodium-chloride springs are often referred to as "thermal baths" because they help improve circulation and alleviate fatigue.


Simple Hot Springs (Tanjun Onsen) are characterized by their relatively low mineral content. Unlike more mineral-rich springs, simple hot springs have fewer dissolved substances and are often less stimulating to the skin, making them gentle and suitable for people of all ages, including those with sensitive skin.


These springs are often praised for their soothing and relaxing properties, helping to alleviate fatigue and stress. While they may lack the specific therapeutic benefits of highly mineralized waters, simple hot springs are still widely enjoyed for their calming and restorative effects.


高温泉が多く平均60度を上回り、特定地域では100度近くの温泉も湧出しており、全国の温泉地統計調査では、特に高温の温泉で上位 にランク付けされている。 熱海市内は源泉の集中する所も多く、温泉の保護地域に指定されている地域がある。


Many of the hot springs in Atami are classified as high-temperature springs, with an average temperature exceeding 60°C, and in certain areas, the water even reaches close to 100°C. According to national hot spring statistical surveys, Atami ranks among the top for high-temperature hot springs in Japan. In the city, there are several areas where hot springs are concentrated, and some of these regions have been designated as protected zones to ensure the conservation and sustainable use of these valuable thermal resources.


所在地 〒413-8550 静岡県熱海市中央町1-1 熱海市役所第2庁舎

  TEL 0557-81-2324

  FAX 0557-83-7556

支部長 佐藤元昭

会員数   168

構成員 主に源泉所有の旅館経営者



  1. 温泉台帳の管理   (管理地区は熱海市街地、上多賀・下多賀・網代・泉地区)
  2. 温泉採取権者の確認、申請・届出書の指導、揚湯試験等立ち合い
  3. 温泉成分等掲示表の作成
  4. 温泉源地実態調査協力
  5. 温泉引湯に関する知識の普及・調査結果等の報告
  6. 温泉療法医の紹介熱海温シェルジェ育成・熱海流養生法の普及補助

営業案内 平日:午前9時~午後5時



事務局 伊豆山温泉組合

所在地 〒413-0011 静岡県熱海市田原本町9-1 熱海第1ビル地下1階

  TEL 0557-81-2631

  FAX 0557-81-2496

■会員数 86

業務内容 熱海温泉組合と同様